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Acetamiprid 40% WDG

Acetamiprid 40% WDG


1. High degree of polymerization, slow release of efficacy, stable performance, long-lasting efficacy.

2. Strong stomach toxicity, contact and osmotic effects, quickly effect, and long-lasting efficacy.

3. Recommended dosage is safe for crops.


1. High degree of polymerization, slow release of efficacy, stable performance, long-lasting efficacy.

2. Strong stomach toxicity, contact and osmotic effects, quickly effect, and long-lasting efficacy.

3. Recommended dosage is safe for crops.

Product Categories : Insecticide

Registered Plant:

Plant Target insect Dosage Method
Cruciferous Vegetables Aphid 18.2-30.4g/acre Spray


One bag for one barrel water; dilute 1:2500 to 1:3000


5g*100bags*8boxes/CASE; 60g*40BOTS/CASE

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