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Acetamiprid 20% WP

Acetamiprid 20% WP


1. This product is a chloronicotinyl insecticide with strong contact and osmotic action, long residual period.

2. Used to control aphids of vegetables, fruit trees, and fields.

3. High-content acetamiprid, high degree of polymerization, slow release of drug efficacy, stable performance, long-lasting efficacy.

4. Super systemic effect has excellent effect on piercing-sucking pests.

Acetamiprid 20% WP Features:

1. This product is a chloronicotinyl insecticide with strong contact and osmotic action, long residual period.

2. Used to control aphids of vegetables, fruit trees, and fields.

3. High-content acetamiprid, high degree of polymerization, slow release of drug efficacy, stable performance, long-lasting efficacy.

4. Super systemic effect has excellent effect on piercing-sucking pests.

Product Categories:Insecticide

Registered Target:

Plant Target insect Dosage Method
Citrus Aphid 60.7-121.4/acre Spray

Recommended Target Pests:

(Fields, fruit trees, vegetables) Aphids, whiteflies, planthopper, mirids drury, Lygus lucorum,weevils, thrips.

Acetamiprid 20% WP Usage:

Dilute 1:2000 to 1:2500

Acetamiprid 20% WP Specifications:

10g*600bags/CASE; 200g*40bags/CASE

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