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Water soluble fertilizer containing humic acid  AS

Water soluble fertilizer containing humic acid AS

Product specification: 



Product category:

Crop immune activator.


1. A pure natural combined biostimulant product that activates crop immunity and reduces crop disease.

2. High-quality Nongxin’s unique fulvic acid has small molecular weight and is easy to absorb.

3. A variety of activating factors improve the resistance of crops to adverse external factors such as drought and low temperature, and can also eliminate pesticide damage.

4. It can resist repeated cropping, activate soil, and prevent and control soil-borne diseases.

5. It can strengthen roots, promote the growth of capillary roots, and improve the ability of roots to absorb water and fertilizer.


Technology and methods of use:

Applicable crops

Prevention objects

period of use

Preparation dosage

Prevention and treatment suggestions


Repeat cropping, soil-borne diseases, viral diseases, small leaves, yellow leaves.


15kg/ha, flush or drip irrigation

This product is recommended for flushing or drip irrigation. If spraying is required, please dilute it 500 times.

The specific usage amount will be increased or decreased based on the local soil moisture.

Fruit expansion stage

mature stage

Solanaceous vegetables

Rooting and raising seedlings after transplanting

15kg/ha, flush or drip irrigation

Fruit expansion and color changing period

leafy vegetables

whole growth period

15kg/ha, flush or drip irrigation


sprout formation stage

15kg/ha, flush or drip irrigation


15kg/ha, flush or drip irrigation

field crops

Tiller jointing stage

750ml/hectare spray

fruit tree

Shooting period、before and after flowering、fruit expansion period

Small trees: 15kg/ha, flush or drip irrigation

Large trees: 30kg/ha, flush or drip irrigation

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