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What worms can be killed by avermectin and how can it be used scientifically?

What worms can be killed by avermectin and how can it be used scientifically?

Abamectin is often used in the prevention and control of agricultural pests and diseases, but the specific scientific use of avermectin, avermectin can kill which worms, but not many people can all understand, the following detailed description of this article:
Abamectin is a new type of antibiotic broad-spectrum high-effective insecticidal acaricide, which has stomach poisoning, contact killing, and endovasation, which can kill the leafworm pests, but has no ovicidal effect. The agent is a neurotoxic agent that kills insect pests by interfering with the physiological activities of pest nerves. It has a different mechanism of action than commonly used insecticides, so it does not produce cross-resistance with commonly used insecticides and is suitable for the control of organophosphorus pesticides. Pesticides or insect pests that have developed resistance to pyrethroid insecticides.

Avermectin is mainly used in the control of diamondback moth, green worms, cotton bollworm, gold-grained moth, beet armyworm, leafminer, leafminer, aphid, and hibiscus in crops such as vegetables, fruit trees, broad beans, cotton, peanuts, and flowers. , spider mites, leafhoppers, and flies.


1 Control of Plutella xylostella and Pieris rapae using 1000-1500 times of 2% avermectin EC and 1000 times of 1% AVS in young larvae can effectively control its damage and control the resistance of Plutella xylostella 14 days after treatment. Still up to 90-95%, the control effect on cabbage caterpillar can reach 95%.
2 Control of borer pests, cotton bollworm, etc., Mu with a 1.8% EC of 40-80 ml watered spray.
3 Control pests such as Phalaenopsis, leafminer, leafminer, leafminer, and whitefly, use 3000-5000 times 1.8% avermectin cream 1000 times at hatching and larval stage High chlorine spray, 7-10 days after the drug control effect is still more than 90%.
4 control of beet armyworm, with 1000 times 1.8% avermectin EC, 7-10 days after the drug control effect is still more than 90%.
(5) Use 4000-6000-fold 1.8% avermectin emulsifiable concentrate spray for preventing and controlling fruit pods, vegetables, grains and other crops.
6 control pear hibiscus with 2.0% EC 8000-10000 times evenly sprayed.
7 Prevention and control of soil root knot nematodes, lotus root acres with 2.0% EC 200-300 ml irrigation roots, the effect is excellent.
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