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Do you know about the brassinolide?

Today we would continue to introduce the role of brassinolide in various crops, so that everyone can understand the effect of brassinolide and its usage and dosage.

Cash crops


Seedling , flower bud, bolling stages

15 kg water per bottle, evenly sprayed on the leaves

Robust seedling, flourishing leaves, improved resistance, increased number of cotton bollings, white cotton fibre, increased yield 20-30%

Soybean, rapeseed, peanut

Seedling stage, initial flowering stage, pod-forming stage

15 kg water per bottle, evenly sprayed on the leaves

flourishing, enhanced resistance, more flowers and more pods, full pods, improved oil yield, maturing earlier, increased yield 20-30%


After planting, resettling stage, prolonged stage

15 kg water per bottle, evenly sprayed on the leaves

Robust seedling, increased leaves, thicken leaves, improve resistance, harvest early, good color of flue-cured tobacco, high grade, increase production 20-40%


When tea buds sprout, after picking

15 kg water per bottle, evenly sprayed on the leaves

Tea bud density, bud weight and new shoots increase, branches and leaves, amino acid content increased, yield increased by 15-30%

Beet, potato, sweet potato

Seedling stage, rhizome formation and, expansion stage

15 kg water per bottle, evenly sprayed on the leaves

Robust seedling, improved resistance, thick rhizome, maturing early, increased yield 30-50%

Grain crops

paddy, wheat, corn

Seedling stage, heading and flowering stage, filling stage

20-30 kg water per bottle, evenly sprayed on the leaves

Robust seedling, the plant, the leaves turn green, enhances the disease resistance, the effective ear is increased, the seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight are increased, the early maturity is increased, and the yield is increased by 15-30%.


Growth period 7-12 days apart for using

30 kg water per bottle, evenly sprayed on the leaves

Early flowering, prolonged flowering, bright colors, increased medicinal material recovery, and improved product quality


Growth period 8-12 days apart

20-30 kg water per bottle, evenly sprayed on the leaves

flourishing growth, high survival rate, increased tillering, drought waterlogging resistance

Soaking crop seeds

30 kg water per bottle, soaking seeds

Improve germination rate, improve root vitality, develop root system, grow vigorously, and resist seedling diseases

Brassinolide is known as the sixth largest plant hormone and can be used on field crop, fruit, vegetable, flower, etc.

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It has strong rooting effect, promotes growth, raises seedlings, strengthens seedlings, protects seedlings, turns yellow leaves into green, promotes fruit ripening and early maturity, reduces disease, relieves phytotoxicity, coordinates nutrient balance, resists drought and cold, and enhances crop resistance, multiple functions. The first-aid effect of dead seedlings, rotten roots, standing and stagnation caused by heavy cockroaches, diseases, phytotoxicity, freezing damage, etc is remarkable. After 12-24 hrs of application, it is obviously effective, and it will return to life and quickly return to life.

With the development of agriculture, regulators such as brassinolide have received more and more attention. It is a product with great space and potential in the agricultural market.

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