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Characteristics of Imidacloprid

Characteristics of Imidacloprid

Imidacloprid is a nitromethylene insecticide, which acts as a nicotinic acid acetylcholinesterase receptor and interferes with the motor nervous system of pests. It is different from the traditional insecticides, and therefore has no cross-resistance. It is resistant to organophosphorus, carbamate, pyrethroid and other insecticides. Imidacloprid can still achieve excellent results in the control of pests.
Lambda-cyhalothrin 2.5%+Imidaclorprid 5%SC
Imidacloprid is a new generation of chloronicotine insecticides. It has broad spectrum, high efficiency, low toxicity, low residue, insect resistance, safety to human, livestock, plants and natural enemies, and has multiple efficacies of touch killing, stomach poisoning, and internal use. It is less affected by temperature, does not move in soil, has a long shelf life, is used for foliage spray, and is also used for seed dressing. The control object is sucking mouth type pest. Due to its frequent use, it is ineffective in rice fields in southern China. It is basically ineffective against whitefly in northern greenhouses.
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